We have multiple membership options available. Please read the descriptions below to see what best fits your lifestyle. CONTACT US with any questions and to receive the current pricing structure. Scholarships are available to any applicant needing financial assistance. Payment by installment is available for Full Masters Members. (See Fees below.)
2023 Membership Chair, Wai Chang (wai.chang@whitemarshboatclub.org)
FULL MASTERS MEMBERSHIP (Age 27 and up) – $765
- Full masters members (Age 27 and up) have full access to all club services including club equipment and coaching during scheduled, coached Club Rows.
- Full masters members may row independently provided they or someone in their group is “bow certified” and they do not use “Restricted” boats. Independent rowing using club boats may not take place when club boats are needed for WBC Masters or Juniors coached rows or race practices.
- Full members may participate in coached Race Team practices and can race in regattas if Racing Team Eligibility is satisfied.
- Full masters members will receive all club email and may attend all membership meetings.
- Volunteering is a requirement of all Full Masters Members.
- Limited Masters memberships are available for experienced rowers who do not wish to participate in coached club rows and wish to row independently only. Please contact us for more information about rack space if you own your own boat.
- Club owned equipment is available for Limited Masters members at off coached row times with the exception of boats that have been designated as having RESTRICTED access. Bowing WBC Club boats can ONLY be done by WBC members who have been bow certified by a WBC coach.
- Limited Masters members are encourage to race under WBC colors per racing requirements (contact us for further details). Limited Masters will have access to club owned equipment and trailering for racing whenever possible and as determined by the WBC Racing Coach (trailering fees apply).
- Volunteering is a requirement of all Limited Masters Members.
- Limited Masters Coaching memberships include those rowers who own their own boats.
- Who wish to participate in club rowing and have access to coaching.
- Do NOT wish to have access to club equipment.
- Limited Master Coaching members will have access to race practices and race in regattas if Racing Requirements* are satisfied.
- Limited Masters Coaching members are encouraged to race under WBC colors and will have access to trailering for racing whenever possible as determined by the WBC Racing Coach.
- Volunteering is a requirement of all Limited Masters Coaching Members.
- AA Masters must not be younger than 21 or older than 26 on December 31st of the current membership year.
- AA Masters have the same privileges and responsibilities as Full Masters members, however AA Masters members who wish to race *must* do so under WBC colors and per racing requirements (contact us for further details).
- Volunteering is a requirement of all AA Masters membership.
- Collegiate Members are rowers who have not graduated from their undergraduate program or are currently in full-time graduate school.
- Collegiate Membership at WBC covers the summer season.
- Club owned equipment is available for Collegiate members at off coached row times with the exception of boats that have been designated as having RESTRICTED access. Bowing WBC Club boats can ONLY be done by WBC members who have been bow certified by a WBC coach.
- Collegiate Members can choose to join in Masters Coached Club Rows on a “last-in” basis.
- Collegiate Members are welcome to row during school breaks throughout the year following their paid summer membership.
Spousal DISCOUNTS -$50
- Second family member gets a $50 discount after the first family member has paid a full price membership.
- Social Members are past members who have opted to not row with WBC in a given year.
- Social Members remain on regular club emails and directories, may attend all social events, may opt to attend club rows in accordance with WBC’s guest policy (up to 5 Club rows annually). Social Membership does not allow independent rowing or participation in race practices.
- Social Members do not pay the Initiation Fee upon re-joining.
- Bowing WBC Club Boats outside of Coached Rows can only be done by WBC members who have been bow-certified by a WBC coach
- “Restricted Boats”: Certain club boats are designated as “Restricted” as determined by the Captain and may not be used except during coached rows and race practices with the permission of the coach.
- (Restricted list to be updated regularly by the Captain and posted on the website and at the boathouse).
- Race Team Eligibility is determined by the masters head coach and requires payment of seasonal race team fees.
- Regatta Participation Fees (entry fees, trailering and coach) will be charged for all participating members for each regatta entered.
- Race Practice Fees: $100 for spring (May 1st – Aug 15th) and/or $100 for fall (Aug 15th – Nov 31st)
- USRowing Waiver: All WBC Members must be listed on the online team roster and accept the online USRowing waiver and swimming proficiency form. (Instructions provided when applying for membership).
Whitemarsh Boat Club 2023 Annual Membership Fees. Full and partial scholarships are available for applicants needing financial assistance.
- Full Masters Membership: $765 (New members add a one-time $200 Initiation Fee, payable upon joining).
- Limited Masters Memberships: $660 (New members add a one-time $200 Initiation Fee, payable upon joining).
- AA Masters Membership – Over 21/Under 27 years old: $510 (No Initiation Fee).
- Collegiate Membership: $430 (No Initiation Fee)
- On Hold | Social Memberships: $70 (HRC Fee)
Full Masters Members may pay their dues in four installments of $191.25, if paid in full by the end of April. Members joining during the year may also pay in 4 installments.
Full and partial scholarships are available for applicant’s needing financial assistance. Spouses/family members receive a $50 discount at all membership levels. All prices include the $70 annual Facility Fee paid to Hines Rowing Center except as noted. Race Practice Fees are $100 for spring (April 1st – Aug 15th) and/or $100 for fall (Aug 15th – Nov 31st)
Volunteering is a requirement of all membership categories except social.
WAIVED Members are those few individuals, usually coxswains and coaches, who volunteer their services to the Club throughout the year. Recognizing that they “give more than they receive”, WAIVED Members are given FULL MASTERS privileges. WAIVED members are determined on an annual basis by vote of WBC’s Board.
Coaches who regularly row and receive substantial, personal benefit from Club resources (e.g., equipment, etc.) do not qualify and are asked to pay regular Membership Dues and are paid separately for their coaching services.
Coxswains who also row at WBC are required to cox a significant number of race practices and club rows each week and be available for coxing during races to qualify for waived membership and enjoy rowing privileges.
SCHOLARSHIP Members are those individuals to whom the WBC Scholarship Committee has awarded a full or partial scholarship in any membership category. Scholarships to WBC are based on financial need, awarded on an annual basis, and can, at the club’s discretion, have an associated volunteer service requirement. Scholarships do not include race fees or any regatta fees unless specified.
HONORARY Members are those individuals to whom WBC has bestowed lifetime membership given their commitment and support to WBC at the club’s inception. These HONORARY Members shall not have the rights of members under the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988, as amended (the “Act”).
LIFE TIME Members are those individuals who have provided extraordinary service to WBC may, may be offered Life membership in WBC by the board. Life Members will be exempt from paying dues and will have all rights and responsibilities of Regular Members of WBC who are in good standing.
ALUMNI are past Masters or Student members who no longer hold an active membership. Unless otherwise requested, ALUMNI of WBC receive regular Club mailings related to upcoming events, fundraisers, special news, etc. All ALUMNI are welcome to row periodically in accordance with WBC’s guest policy (up to 5 Club rows per year).